Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it is also surrounded by countless myths that can confuse expecting mothers. In this blog, we debunk some common pregnancy myths to ensure women get accurate information and enjoy a stress-free pregnancy.

Myth 1: You Must Eat for Two
While pregnancy increases nutritional needs, overeating can lead to excessive weight gain and complications. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins is key to a healthy pregnancy.
Myth 2: Heartburn Means a Hairy Baby
Many believe that severe heartburn during pregnancy indicates that the baby will have a full head of hair. However, heartburn is caused by hormonal changes and the growing uterus pressing against the stomach, not the baby’s hair.
Myth 3: Avoid Exercise During Pregnancy
Unless advised otherwise by a doctor, moderate exercise is beneficial for pregnant women. Activities like prenatal yoga, walking, and stretching can improve circulation, reduce stress, and prepare the body for labor.
Myth 4: Sleeping on Your Back Harms the Baby
While sleeping on your side is generally recommended, occasionally lying on your back will not harm your baby. However, as pregnancy progresses, side sleeping, especially on the left, can improve blood flow.
Myth 5: You Should Not Eat Spicy Food
Spicy foods do not harm the baby, but they may cause heartburn or indigestion. If you enjoy spicy food, there is no harm in eating it in moderation.