Melasma on Face: Causes & Effective Home Remedies

Untitled-design-31-1024x576 Melasma on Face: Causes & Effective Home Remedies
  1. Hormonal Imbalance – Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels, especially during pregnancy, menopause, or due to birth control pills, can trigger melasma.
  2. Sun Exposure – UV rays stimulate melanin production, worsening melasma.
  3. Vitamin Deficiencies – Low levels of vitamin D, B12, and folic acid can increase the risk.
  4. Stress & Inflammation – Chronic stress and inflammation can disrupt skin health, making pigmentation more visible.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Rich in antioxidants and aloin, aloe vera helps lighten dark patches. Apply fresh aloe vera gel overnight and rinse in the morning.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acetic acid in ACV works as a natural skin lightener. Mix equal parts of ACV and water, apply with a cotton ball, leave for 5 minutes, and rinse.

3. Turmeric & Milk Paste

Turmeric reduces melanin production, and lactic acid in milk exfoliates the skin. Mix 1 tsp turmeric with 2 tbsp milk, apply for 15 minutes, then rinse.

4. Lemon & Honey Mask

Lemon is a natural bleach, while honey soothes the skin. Apply a mix of lemon juice and honey for 10 minutes before rinsing.

5. Green Tea Extract

Loaded with antioxidants, green tea helps reduce pigmentation. Apply a cooled green tea bag to affected areas daily.

Final Thoughts

Consistency is key when using home remedies. Along with these treatments, always wear sunscreen to prevent melasma from worsening. If pigmentation persists, consult a dermatologist for professional advice.

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